Figure Ground Tour

Figure Ground Tour

After a wonderful premiere of Lingua Franca at the Merlin Theatre, Frome the tour has officially begun! We are now all busy at various schools and colleges creating curtain raisers and providing master classes and workshops before our next performance which will be in...
Robert Cohan honoured in New York

Robert Cohan honoured in New York

On the 28th May I travelled to New York to be present and part of the Graham Company 2 performance, which, was a gala event to honor Robert Cohan. Paul Jackson and Anne Donnelly had also travelled to be part of this celebration. The company performed a duet from...
Seeing Sound Event

Seeing Sound Event

This weekend the company will be performing some work in progress based on Larry Cuba’s animated film 3/78. We have been experimenting with some ideas over the past few weeks and are excited to see what happens on stage when the movement and animation come...